Can you imagine being 5 years old and in constant pain since you were a baby?
I can't even begin to imagine what that would be like.
Not only that, but being blind, too?

And needlessly so?
Only due to poverty and lack of healthcare?
Not to mention the fact that both of your parents suddenly 'disappeared':
your dad 3 years ago, while trying to find money for your treatment, and your mother over a year ago. She just walked out of the house one day (she was also blind).
Gone. Vanished. Just like that.
Peter's* story struck a very tender cord in Praise's heart when she visited him and his grandparents yesterday.

She had also suffered from a medical condition from infancy. It caused her constant pain until the age of six, when she was miraculously healed and saved from an impending amputation.
Read Praise's incredible healing story here.
Yesterday, when she met Peter and talked with his grandparents (who are now raising him), she could literally feel the pain from her childhood wash over her all over again.
A flood of horrific memories
She could empathize with Peter only too well. Her heart went out to him (big time) and she reassured him that God loves him, cares for him and will heal his eyes. (Woman of faith!)
Today, I contacted a few people who had given substantial donations for our covid-19 relief fund to ask them if they would consider designating a part of their donation to finance Peter's urgently needed surgery.
(We take designated funds very seriously and wouldn't dare use them for something different unless the donors agree).
And guess what?
They all said YES.
Bless 'em!
Now Praise can get the ball rolling so that Peter can receive the long-awaited surgery that his destitute grandparents, who are refugees, haven't been able to afford all this time. I mention that they are refugees to help you understand that they have no land in Uganda nor extended family to help them financially.
Peter's grandfather is 79 years old (!) and works people's fields for a living. However, since the covid-19 lockdown, he has lost most of his income as people can't afford to hire him. The family was threatened to be thrown out of their very humble rented room as they haven't been able to pay the rent. Thankfully, Praise was able to leave some food and money for them to give them some relief.
Praise told me that she was 'traumatised' witnessing not only Peter's state of constant pain but the family's (most) miserable circumstances and utter poverty.
Would you please pray with us that Peter would receive his sight and finally be painfree?

Even though surgery was suggested to cure him, it is literally the 11th hour as his eyes are almost completely shut already. Surgery needs to happen as soon as possible and a positive outcome is not guaranteed. But it's the only hope to get rid of his constant pain and for him to finally... possibly...
... see!
And - oh - before I forget
Peter's little 2-year-old brother Ivan* has a hole in his heart and is also in constant pain. Can you believe it? Unbelievable how unfair life can be for some.
He also needs surgery. But his open-heart surgery costs way more than we can help with.
He wasn't around when Praise visited the family as a 'Good Samaritan' had taken him to the clinic to get him some pain killers. But we will be praying that God will make a way for him to receive healing as well.
Will you pray with us?
And if God puts it on your heart to help financially so that Ivan can be operated, contact us.
Lord have mercy!
* names changed for privacy reasons